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NEW! Kate’s Birchermüesli – Traditional Swiss – available in Harrods today!

My new überspecial Birchermüesli is on sale from today in the Harrods Food Hall – luxury grocery department.

For me, this is where my passion for müesli really began. My Bircher Müesli is packed with 100% British grown oats, strawberries, almonds, apricots, dates and nutritious seeds. Simply enjoy as you would any other müesli with cold milk (I prefer goats milk) or for a true Birchermüesli soak in orange juice, natural yoghurt and add grated apple, pear, half a banana and any other fruits you might prefer.  Purists often add cream or a zest of lemon and a sprig of mint to serve.  Traditionalists even use evaporated milk.  You choose your preferred method  – every Swiss family has their own Birchermüesli style!  It’s “Gemüeslich!” as I would say!


Love Kate x